Operational Area

Latest Report

1Total Districts in the State 24
2No. of Districts where implementation started 24
3Total Blocks in the State264
4No. of Blocks where implementation started 264
5Total Panchayat in the State (Rural)4,356
6No. of Panchayat covered (Rural)4,356
7No. of Cluster formed1,006
8No. of Village in the State 31,959
9No. of Village covered 29,943
BSocial Mobilization & Institutional Building
1Total SHG No. of NRLM Fold 296,119
2No. of SHGs Formed261,013
3No. of SHGs revived/strengthened 35,089
4No. of Active SHGs 282,015
5No. of Inactive SHGs 14,104
6 No. of Household covered 3,746,913
7No. of SC Household 778,842
8No. of ST Household 1,188,748
9No. of OBC Household 1,619,328
10No. of Other Household 159,267
11No. of Village Organization Formed21,002
12No. of Cluster Organization Formed998
13No. of Block Federation Formed NA
14No. of Community Cadre Promoted96,358
15No. of Internal Community Resource Person Developed2,083
16No. of SHG Bookkeeper Promoted60,779
17No. of MIS Bookkeeper Promoted9,533
CFinancial Inclusion
1No. of 3 Month old SHGs(Active) Having bank account280,959
2No. of 3 Month old SHGs(Active) not Having bank account1,056
3No. of 3 Month old SHGs(Active & Inactive) received RF277,152
4No. of 3 Month old SHGs(Active) not received RF 5,361
5Amount of RF (Rs. in Lakh)44,407
6No. of 6 Month Old SHGs prepared MIP/MCP101,641
7No. of 6 Month Old SHGs(Active & Inactive) received CIF267,793
8No. of 6 Month Old SHGs(Active) not received CIF15,339
9Amount of CIF (Rs. in Lakh) 157,256
10Total Savings of SHGs (Rs. in Lakh) 66,824.50
11Total Corpus of SHGs (Saving+Interest+RF+CIF) (Rs. in Lakh)
12Total Interloaning (Rs. in Lakh)317,056
13No. of SHG Credit linked with Banks204,987
14Amount of credit mobilized through Banks (Rs. in Lakh)2,958.69
15No. of SHGs eligible for Interest Subvention NA
16No. of SHG Received Interest Subvention NA
17Amount of Interest Subvention released (Rs. In Lakh) NA
1No. of Farmers doing SRI3,121,217
2Area Covered under SRI (in Acre) 1,134,168.18
3No. of Farmers adopted Goat Rearing 70,148
4No. of Mahila Kisan Supported under MKSP239,542
5No. of Producer Group Formed6,861
6No. of Aajeevika Krishak Mitra Promoted 20,930
7No. of Pashu Sakhi Promoted 12,069
ESkills Training & Placement
1No. of Youth Registered with JSLPS 49,664